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Landforms of the world provides readers with an in-depth look at the amazing landforms in the world around them. The books describe how each landform is formed and how it changes over time, as well as how plants and animals survive there. A two-page special feature highlights a specific example of the landform. Quiz questions encourage engagement with the text, while additional resources aid readers who wish to explore more.

ISBN: 978-1-63517-889-0, 978-1-63517-990-3, 978-1-64185-092-6 Series: , Tags: , ,


Landforms of the world provides readers with an in-depth look at the amazing landforms in the world around them. The books describe how each landform is formed and how it changes over time, as well as how plants and animals survive there. A two-page special feature highlights a specific example of the landform. Quiz questions encourage engagement with the text, while additional resources aid readers who wish to explore more.

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Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

Correlation with Curriculum Standards

Title Details




Explores the fascinating world of canyons. Readers will learn how canyons form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make canyons their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education. Preview this book.

ISBN: 978-1-63517-890-6, 978-1-63517-991-0, 978-1-64185-093-3 Series: , Tags: , ,


Explores the fascinating world of canyons. Readers will learn how canyons form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make canyons their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education.

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Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

Related Websites


Copyright: 2019
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 7 x 9

Dewey: 550
Lexile: 610L
Guided Reading Level: P

Teacher Resources




Explores the fascinating world of caves. Readers will learn how caves form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make caves their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education. Preview this book.


Explores the fascinating world of caves. Readers will learn how caves form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make caves their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education.

Additional information


Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

Related Websites


Copyright: 2019
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 7 x 9

Dewey: 550
Lexile: 550L
Guided Reading Level: P

Teacher Resources




Explores the fascinating world of deserts. Readers will learn how deserts form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make deserts their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education. Preview this book.

ISBN: 978-1-63517-892-0, 978-1-63517-993-4, 978-1-64185-095-7 Series: , Tags: , ,


Explores the fascinating world of deserts. Readers will learn how deserts form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make deserts their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education.

Additional information


Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

Related Websites


Copyright: 2019
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 7 x 9

Dewey: 550
Lexile: 590L
Guided Reading Level: P

Teacher Resources




Explores the fascinating world of islands. Readers will learn how islands form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make islands their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education. Preview this book.

ISBN: 978-1-63517-893-7, 978-1-63517-994-1, 978-1-64185-096-4 Series: , Tags: , ,


Explores the fascinating world of islands. Readers will learn how islands form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make islands their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education.

Additional information


Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding


Copyright: 2019
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 7 x 9

Dewey: 550
Lexile: 630L
Guided Reading Level: P

Teacher Resources




Explores the fascinating world of mountains. Readers will learn how mountains form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make mountains their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education. Preview this book.

ISBN: 978-1-63517-894-4, 978-1-63517-995-8, 978-1-64185-097-1 Series: , Tags: , ,


Explores the fascinating world of mountains. Readers will learn how mountains form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make mountains their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education.

Additional information


Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

Related Websites


Copyright: 2019
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 7 x 9

Dewey: 550
Lexile: 590L
Guided Reading Level: P

Teacher Resources




Explores the fascinating world of plains. Readers will learn how plains form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make plains their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education. Preview this book.

ISBN: 978-1-63517-895-1, 978-1-63517-996-5, 978-1-64185-098-8 Series: , Tags: , ,


Explores the fascinating world of plains. Readers will learn how plains form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make plains their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education.

Additional information


Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

Related Websites


Copyright: 2019
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 7 x 9

Dewey: 550
Lexile: 600L
Guided Reading Level: P

Teacher Resources




Explores the fascinating world of plateaus. Readers will learn how plateaus form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make plateaus their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education. Preview this book.

ISBN: 978-1-63517-896-8, 978-1-63517-997-2, 978-1-64185-099-5 Series: , Tags: , ,


Explores the fascinating world of plateaus. Readers will learn how plateaus form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make plateaus their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education.

Additional information


Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

Related Websites


Copyright: 2019
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 7 x 9

Dewey: 550
Lexile: 580L
Guided Reading Level: P

Teacher Resources




Explores the fascinating world of valleys. Readers will learn how valleys form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make valleys their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education. Preview this book.

ISBN: 978-1-63517-897-5, 978-1-63517-998-9, 978-1-64185-100-8 Series: , Tags: , ,


Explores the fascinating world of valleys. Readers will learn how valleys form and how they change over time, as well as the plants and animals that make valleys their home. Featuring vivid photographs, fun facts, focus questions, and resources for further research, this book is sure to support earth science education.

Additional information


Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

Related Websites


Copyright: 2019
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 7 x 9

Dewey: 550
Lexile: 600L
Guided Reading Level: P

Teacher Resources

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