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Red is for Remembrance

Shattered by her boyfriend’s tragic death, Stacey is struggling in her first year of college. Casting healing spells brings Stacey closer to Porsha—a troubled girl who’s also dreaming of death—and to a strange boy whose life is in danger. To save him, it’ll take all the strength and magic they’ve got.

White is for Magic

A year has passed since Stacey Brown saved her best friend from a horrible death. Now she’s having nightmares again, haunted by ghosts ... and by a crazed stalker. As she desperately casts healing spells, a new student named Jacob enters her world. To stop a killer, they must join together. But can Jacob be trusted?

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Titles in Series: Disney, Fortnite, LEGO, Minecraft, Nintendo, TikTok

The Dog Walker’s Diary

Just as Scheherazade told tales each night to a sleepless king with no love in his heart, Annie Doherty leaves stories on the kitchen counter of Daniel Ashe, an insomniac who believes he is incapable of falling in love.

A Mighty Wall

A lifelong climber, Jordan loves scaling the sun-baked crags outside his Oregon hometown. With a trouble-free route through high school and a girlfriend who loves the crags, too, Jordan’s got a crimp hold on happiness. But for the climber, there are only two absolutes in life—gravity and death—and Jordan can’t protect his loved ones from either.

Thirty Sunsets

For Forrest Shepherd, getting away to the family’s beach house is the best part of the summer. But this year, Forrest’s relaxing vacation falls into turmoil as painful family secrets are revealed. She finds solace in Scott, a guy she meets on the beach, and starts ignoring her friends’ warnings that Scott is a player ... or worse.

The Dark Lifer’s Revenge

Sabine Rose from The Seer series teams up with Amber Borden from the Dead Girl series in this exciting short story by Linda Joy Singleton about working to together to unravel the Dark Lifer’s twisted plan of vengeance.

City of Vicious Night

In this queer, female-led YA cyberpunk adventure, heiress-turned-smuggler Asa and gunslinger Riven are forced to vie for leadership of an underworld faction after a mysterious hacker turns the city against them; meanwhile, a captured crew member must ally with an old enemy to find his way home.

The Songbird and the Rambutan Tree

After sabotaging her only chance to evacuate before the Japanese army invades Batavia in 1942, eleven-year-old Emmy is confined in the Tjideng prisoner-of-war camp, where she must overcome a tragedy from her past to find her voice and truly be free.
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