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The Unexplained

Titles in Series: Atlantis, The Bermuda Triangle, Crop Circles, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Psychics, Stonehenge, UFOs


Titles in Series: African Wild Dogs, Bull Sharks, Gray Wolves, Leopard Seals, Polar Bears, Pythons, Spotted Hyenas, Tarantulas

Flux Submission Guidelines

The Girl and the Grove

Adopted teen Leila discovers that her connection to nature and passion for environmental activism are part of her unique and magical genetic makeup, and a grove of trees that holds a mythical secret.

Pitch Green

Seven years earlier, as Camm Smith herded a pack of little trick-or-treaters past an abandoned mansion, her young neighbor disappeared, becoming just one of many children who have vanished from Trona over the years. Joining forces with her best friend, Cal, Camm naively begins a perilous search for the truth.

Dream Spinner

Disfigured by a car accident that also killed her dad, Jori is physically scarred for life and angry at the world. Now her little sister Lisa has gone missing, too. Then Jori stumbles upon a strange house and meets Professor DePris. She refuses to enter his magical tapestry woven with dreams until she realizes Lisa is caught inside.

The Stone Demon

If alchemist’s apprentice Donna Underwood can’t recreate the Philosopher’s Stone, the world will be plunged into a devastating modern-day Dark Age.

The Rebels of New SUN

Jaym, Reya, and D’shay infiltrate the capital city in their first offensive strike aimed at returning power to the people. But under the threat of torture in the Snakepit—a prison where no one leaves alive—the New SUN rebels must evade robohounds, dragonfly drones, and GlobeTran cops to secure freedom for the people once and for all.

Blue is for Nightmares

It started with freaky phone calls. Now someone’s leaving the same death lilies that have been showing up in Stacy’s dreams. Everybody thinks it’s a twisted game ... until another girl at school is murdered. With everyone as a potential suspect, Stacy turns to the folk magic her grandmother taught her. But will it be strong enough?

The Fight for Midnight

As the clock ticks forward to midnight during Wendy Davis’s historic filibuster of the abortion bill HB2 in June 2013, an Austin teen grapples with his past mistakes, the complex issue of abortion, and the kind of person he wants to be.
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