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What Did We Do?

Titles in Series: Before Cell Phones, Before Computers, Before Online Shopping, Before Social Media, Before Streaming Music, Before Television, Before the Internet, Before Video Games

Life Skills

Titles in Series: Cooking a Meal, Managing Money, Planting a Seedling, Reading a Map, Taking Care of Your Body, Writing a Letter

Big Machines

Titles in Series: Big Machines for Fire and Rescue, Big Machines in Space, Big Machines in the Air, Big Machines in the City, Big Machines in the Military, Big Machines on the Farm, Big Machines on the Water, Big Machines That Build

Saving Our Planet

Titles in Series: Saving Earthโ€™s Air, Saving Earthโ€™s Animals, Saving Earthโ€™s Land, Saving Earthโ€™s Water

My Senses

Titles in Series: Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch

Amazing Inventions

Titles in Series: Inventing Airplanes, Inventing Cars, Inventing Computers, Inventing Drones, Inventing GPS, Inventing Refrigerators, Inventing Televisions, Inventing Vaccines

Exploring Money

Titles in Series: Earning Money, Money Management, Needs and Wants, Saving Money, Spending Money, What Is Money?

Earthโ€™s Eco-Warriors

Titles in Series: Earthโ€™s Eco-Warriors and the Fight for Eco-Friendly Food, Earthโ€™s Eco-Warriors and the War on Waste, Earthโ€™s Eco-Warriors Evolve the Ecosystem, Earthโ€™s Eco-Warriors Go Green for Good

Neighborhood Safari Set 2

Titles in Series: Bees, Coyotes, Deer, Finches, Foxes, Grasshoppers, Rabbits, Skunks

Maria and Mateo Go on Field Trips

Titles in this series: Classical Catastrophe, Fright at the Museum, Garden of Yuck!, Operation Rescue the Animals!
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