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Shall We Dance? (Set of 8)


Shall We Dance? offers readers an introduction to eight popular dancing styles. Each book examines the dance style’s history, basic moves, and more. Each book also includes a special feature that provides step-by-step instructions on a simple dance move. This fun series is sure to make readers want to get up and dance.

ISBN: 978-1-63517-279-9, 978-1-63517-344-4, 978-1-63517-409-0 Series: , Tags: , ,


Shall We Dance? offers readers an introduction to eight popular dancing styles. Each book examines the dance style’s history, basic moves, and more. Each book also includes a special feature that provides step-by-step instructions on a simple dance move. This fun series is sure to make readers want to get up and dance.

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Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

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