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Sports Build Character

Titles in Series: Caring in Sports, Citizenship in Sports, Courage in Sports, Fairness in Sports, Perseverance in Sports, Respect in Sports, Responsibility in Sports, Trustworthiness in Sports

Foundations of Our Nation

Titles in Series: The American Revolution, Creating the Constitution, Developing the Bill of Rights, Establishing the American Colonies, Establishing the Judicial Branch, Establishing the Legislative Branch, George Washington and the American Presidency, Writing the Declaration of Independence

What Did We Do?

Titles in Series: Before Cell Phones, Before Computers, Before Online Shopping, Before Social Media, Before Streaming Music, Before Television, Before the Internet, Before Video Games

Big Machines

Titles in Series: Big Machines for Fire and Rescue, Big Machines in Space, Big Machines in the Air, Big Machines in the City, Big Machines in the Military, Big Machines on the Farm, Big Machines on the Water, Big Machines That Build

Saving Our Planet

Titles in Series: Saving Earth’s Air, Saving Earth’s Animals, Saving Earth’s Land, Saving Earth’s Water

My Senses

Titles in Series: Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch

Amazing Inventions

Titles in Series: Inventing Airplanes, Inventing Cars, Inventing Computers, Inventing Drones, Inventing GPS, Inventing Refrigerators, Inventing Televisions, Inventing Vaccines

Earth’s Eco-Warriors

Titles in Series: Earth’s Eco-Warriors and the Fight for Eco-Friendly Food, Earth’s Eco-Warriors and the War on Waste, Earth’s Eco-Warriors Evolve the Ecosystem, Earth’s Eco-Warriors Go Green for Good

My Whole Truth

After killing her attacker, Seelie must prove in court and in the hallways of her high school that she acted in self-defense.

Quiet No More

College freshman Victoria Parker is moving on with her life after surviving her father’s sexual abuse and six months of foster care. But when her long-lost aunt shows up, asking Victoria to lie about her father’s assault so he’ll get a lighter sentence, Victoria must decide whether and how to share her truth as a survivor.
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