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Larry Itliong Leads the Way for Farmworkers’ Rights


Explores the history, events, and aftermath of Larry Itliong’s role in the fight for farmworkers’ rights. Through insightful text, “In Their Own Words” special features, and critical thinking questions, this title will introduce readers to a historic example of social activism. Preview this book.

ISBN: 978-1-64185-356-9, 978-1-64185-414-6, 978-1-64185-472-6 Series: , Tags: , ,


Explores the history, events, and aftermath of Larry Itliong’s role in the fight for farmworkers’ rights. Through insightful text, “In Their Own Words” special features, and critical thinking questions, this title will introduce readers to a historic example of social activism.

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Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

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