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This action-packed book gives young readers a full history of Barcelona, from the club’s founding to the present day. The book features a table of contents, informative sidebars, a Superstar Profile special feature, a Quick Stats page, a glossary, links to additional resources, and an index. This Press Box Books title is aligned to a reading level of grade 4 and an interest level of grades 4-7.

ISBN: 978-1-63494-956-9, 978-1-63494-970-5, 978-1-63494-984-2 Series: , Tags: ,


This action-packed book gives young readers a full history of Barcelona, from the club’s founding to the present day. The book features a table of contents, informative sidebars, a Superstar Profile special feature, a Quick Stats page, a glossary, links to additional resources, and an index. This Press Box Books title is aligned to a reading level of grade 4 and an interest level of grades 4-7.

Additional information


Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

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