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Job Posting: Editorial Intern (Nonfiction)

Here Lies Olive

When sixteen-year-old Olive summons a ghost to find out what happens after people die, she must team up with her maybe-nemesis/maybe-crush, her ex-best friend, and a strange new girl to find his unmarked grave before he loses who he is and becomes a danger to everyone she loves.

Extreme Sports

Titles in Series: BMX Racing, Motocross, Mountain Biking, Rally Car Racing, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Snowmobiling, Surfing

World’s Fastest

Titles in Series: World’s Fastest Aircraft, World’s Fastest Animals, World’s Fastest Cars, World’s Fastest Motorcycles, World’s Fastest Roller Coasters, World’s Fastest Spacecraft, World’s Fastest Trains, World’s Fastest Watercraft

Dogs at Work

Titles in Series: Acting Dogs, Herding Dogs, Police Dogs, Search and Rescue Dogs, Service Dogs, Sled Dogs, Sniffer Dogs, Therapy Dogs

Unsolved Mysteries

Titles in Series: Amelia Earhart, Cahokia, D. B. Cooper, Easter Island, Irish Crown Jewels Theft, The Mary Celeste, Roanoke Colony, The Voynich Manuscript

Major Disasters

Titles in Series: 2022 Pakistan Floods, COVID-19, The Dust Bowl, Fukushima, Hurricane Katrina, Indian Ocean Tsunami, Mount St. Helens, Texas Ice Storms

Natural Wonders of the World

Titles in Series: The Amazon Rainforest, California’s Redwood Forest, The Grand Canyon, The Great Barrier Reef, Mount Everest, Niagara Falls, The Sahara Desert, Yellowstone National Park

Noisy Animals

Titles in Series: Noisy Animals Say ‘Good Morning!’ at Home, Noisy Animals Say ‘Hello!’ in the Jungle, Noisy Animals Say ‘Hi!’ at the Seaside, Noisy Animals Say ‘How Are You?’ on the Farm
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