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Pitch Green

Seven years earlier, as Camm Smith herded a pack of little trick-or-treaters past an abandoned mansion, her young neighbor disappeared, becoming just one of many children who have vanished from Trona over the years. Joining forces with her best friend, Cal, Camm naively begins a perilous search for the truth.

Weird Animal Diets

Titles in Series: Blood-Eating Animals, Corpse-Eating Animals, Poop-Eating Animals, Soil-Eating Animals

Pros and Cons

Titles in Series: The Debate about Animal Testing, The Debate about Homework, The Debate about Legalizing Marijuana, The Debate about Paying College Athletes, The Debate about Playing Video Games, The Debate about School Uniforms, The Debate about the Electoral College, The Debate about Vaccines

Ollie Oxley and the Ghost: The Search for Lost Gold

Twelve-year-old Ollie Oxley isn’t expecting his first friend in town to be a ghost, but together they team up to save his mom’s theater and take down the school bully.

Game of Strength and Storm

Teenagers of Olympia Gen and Castor race to be the first to complete six nearly impossible challenges to obtain their greatest desire. Only one will win. The other walks away with nothing—if she walks away at all.


On the cusp of an evil plot to overthrow the Kingdom of Alloway, fifteen-year-old Donavah finds herself a pawn in the hands of an evil mage. The girl who can communicate with dragons is now fighting for herself, her family, and the rightful return of the Red Dragons. Held hostage, Donavah must be wary of who to trust and from whom to run.

Tia Lugo Speaks No Evil

Tia Lugo, an asthmatic thirteen-year-old Puerto Rican girl living in NYC, witnesses a murder late one night from her bedroom window. Terrified the killer will do anything to keep her silent and desperate to find the courage to speak out, Tia turns to her grandmother's favorite shopping spot: the botanica.

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Tokens and Omens

Zander trusts Fate. Alexa only trusts herself. When Fate intervenes, they find they're both wrong. After Zander and Alexa each earn a Black Panther omen that makes surviving the quest nearly impossible, they must break the rules and challenge Fate together.

The Blending Time

Turning seventeen in the year 2054 means it’s time for Global Alliance work, ranging from backbreaking drudgery to deadly canal labor. Three “s’teeners” chosen to be blenders—whose task is to help repopulate Africa—believe they’re lucky. But they soon learn otherwise.
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