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The Songbird and the Rambutan Tree

After sabotaging her only chance to evacuate before the Japanese army invades Batavia in 1942, eleven-year-old Emmy is confined in the Tjideng prisoner-of-war camp, where she must overcome a tragedy from her past to find her voice and truly be free.

Running With the Wind

After graduating from high school, Jackson O’Connell is left with no home and no plans for the future. When he meets a gruff old sailor and begins working at the boatyard, he discovers a whole new world. Is it enough to help him navigate the challenges he faces and set his own course for the future?

Beautiful Music for Ugly Children

Gabe has always identified as a boy, but he was born with a girl’s body. With his new public access radio show gaining popularity, Gabe struggles with romance, friendships, and parents. His entire future is threatened when several violent guys find out that Gabe the DJ is also Elizabeth from school.


Titles in this series: Firebird Caged, Firebreak, Locked In

Witch Ball

Sabine is starting to feel accepted at her new school. But helping run the psychic booth at a school fundraiser, she discovers a fake crystal ball has been mysteriously switched. Now the predictions are coming true, and its final prediction—her own death—may become a reality.

Dream Spinner

Disfigured by a car accident that also killed her dad, Jori is physically scarred for life and angry at the world. Now her little sister Lisa has gone missing, too. Then Jori stumbles upon a strange house and meets Professor DePris. She refuses to enter his magical tapestry woven with dreams until she realizes Lisa is caught inside.

The Stone Demon

If alchemist’s apprentice Donna Underwood can’t recreate the Philosopher’s Stone, the world will be plunged into a devastating modern-day Dark Age.

Girl, Hero

Liliana Faltin just wants some stability in her life. But her mother’s boyfriend has a thing for booze and touching. To deal, Lily writes letters to John Wayne. Yeah, he’s a dead movie cowboy, but whatever—at least the Duke knew how to be a hero. Now, Lily just needs to figure out how to be a hero herself.

The Rebels of New SUN

Jaym, Reya, and D’shay infiltrate the capital city in their first offensive strike aimed at returning power to the people. But under the threat of torture in the Snakepit—a prison where no one leaves alive—the New SUN rebels must evade robohounds, dragonfly drones, and GlobeTran cops to secure freedom for the people once and for all.
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