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The Long-Lost Secret Diary of the World’s Worst Dinosaur Hunter


Meet Ann—a smart but unlucky teenager keeping a diary of her life as she hunts for dinosaur bones. When she gets an opportunity to search for fossils in the American West, Ann is determined to turn her luck around and show the world her discoveries. Preview this book.

ISBN: 978-1-63163-195-5, 978-1-63163-196-2, 978-1-63163-198-6 Series: , Tags: , ,


Meet Ann—a smart but unlucky teenager keeping a diary of her life as she hunts for dinosaur bones. When she gets an opportunity to search for fossils in the American West, Ann is determined to turn her luck around and show the world her discoveries.

The hilarious Long-Lost Secret Diary series puts readers inside the heads of hapless figures from history stuggling to carry out their roles and getting things horribly wrong. The accessible, irreverent stories will keep young readers laughing as they discover the importance of not being afraid to learn from mistakes. Fact boxes, a glossary, and additional back matter provide historical context and background.

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Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

Meet Ann—a smart but unlucky teenager keeping a diary of her life as she hunts for dinosaur bones. When she gets an opportunity to search for fossils in the American West, Ann is determined to turn her luck around and show the world her discoveries.

The hilarious Long-Lost Secret Diary series put readers inside the heads of unlucky people in unfortunate situations. The accessible, irreverent stories will keep young readers laughing as they learn the importance of not being afraid to learn from one’s mistakes. Get Real fact boxes featured throughout, as well as a glossary and additional back matter, provide historical context and background.

Lexile: 930L
Copyright: 2019
Page Count: 216
Trim Size: 5 x 7.8
Rights Territory: AG; AI; AW; BB; BL; BM; BS; BZ; CA; CR; CU; DM; DO; GP; GT; HN; HT; JM; MF; KN; KY; LC; MQ; MS; MX; NI; PA; PM; PR; SV; TC; TT; US; VC; VG; VI
JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures
JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / General
JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories

Tim Collins worked as a copywriter in advertising before becoming a full-time author. He writes nonfiction books for adults and children’s fiction books, including books designed to appeal to reluctant readers. His work has been translated into forty languages. His books have won numerous awards including the Manchester Fiction City award and the Lincolnshire Book award. He is originally from Manchester but now lives in London.

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