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Noisy Animals Say ‘Hello!’ in the Jungle


Animals make a wide variety of amazing noises. In this fun and informative book, learn about the sounds made by animals in the jungle. The book also features QR codes with links to animal noises, full-color illustrations and photographs of each animal, and large easy-to-read text. This book is aligned to reading levels of grades K–2 and interest levels of grades PreK–2.

ISBN: 979-8-89359-007-4, 979-8-89359-017-3, 979-8-89359-027-2 Series: , Tags: , ,


Animals make a wide variety of amazing noises. In this fun and informative book, learn about the sounds made by animals in the jungle. The book also features QR codes with links to animal noises, full-color illustrations and photographs of each animal, and large easy-to-read text. This book is aligned to reading levels of grades K–2 and interest levels of grades PreK–2.

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Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

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