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Las cosas que me gustan
(Things I Like)(Set of 8)


Some people like dancing or building. Others like cats and dogs. This high-interest series will help young readers explore the things they like. Each book also has a table of contents, picture glossary, and index. This Little Blue Readers series is at Level 1, aligned to reading levels of grades PreK-1 and interest levels of grades PreK-2.

ISBN: 978-1-64619-681-4, 978-1-64619-713-2, 978-1-64619-745-3 Series: , Tags: , ,


Some people like dancing or building. Others like cats and dogs. This high-interest series will help young readers explore the things they like. Each book also has a table of contents, picture glossary, and index. This Little Blue Readers series is at Level 1, aligned to reading levels of grades PreK-1 and interest levels of grades PreK-2.

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Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

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