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La vida en el Ártico
(Life in the Arctic)


This title introduces readers to the kinds of animals that live in the Arctic. Simple text, straightforward photos, and a photo glossary make this title the perfect introduction to life in the Arctic. This book also includes a table of contents, picture glossary, and index. This Little Blue Readers book is at Level 2, aligned to reading levels of grades K-1 and interest levels of grades PreK-2. Preview this book.

ISBN: 978-1-64619-691-3, 978-1-64619-723-1, 978-1-64619-755-2 Series: , Tags: , ,


This title introduces readers to the kinds of animals that live in the Arctic. Simple text, straightforward photos, and a photo glossary make this title the perfect introduction to life in the Arctic. This book also includes a table of contents, picture glossary, and index. This Little Blue Readers book is at Level 2, aligned to reading levels of grades K-1 and interest levels of grades PreK-2.

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Hosted Ebook, Paperback, Reinforced Library Binding

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