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The Genesis Flame

The timeline is burning. While teenage twins Malcolm and Valentine Gilbert struggle to reach their full potential, an enemy accuses them of attacking his future, and his quest for vengeance threatens the timeline. To survive, the twins must learn the truth about themselves and their mysterious accuser. Failure could mean the end of Time itself.

The Long-Lost Secret Diary of the World’s Worst Samurai

Meet Suki—a fourteen-year-old girl in sixteenth-century Japan. She wants to become a samurai warrior like her father and brother. Despite her disastrous training, when bandits threaten her village while the men are away at war, Suki is the only one left to stop them. Will she be able to prove herself a legendary samurai?

Math All Around

Titles in this series: Five Dollars for Fun: A Story About Money, My Cat Can’t Tell Time (But I Can), The Taste of a Circle: A Story About Shapes, Trucks Versus Dinosaurs: A Story About Measurements

Down With This Ship

In this funny, flirty, and geeky rom com, teenage fanfic writer Kole must come to terms with internet fame, her insecurities, and a crush she never saw coming.

It Happened on Saturday

After thirteen-year-old Julia nearly becomes a victim of human trafficking, she must find the courage to speak up about her experience or else her friend could end up becoming a victim too.

Press Box Books Submission Guidelines

Press Box Books is always interested in new projects that offer a fresh perspective or untold story in the sports realm.


Bickering frenemies Meg and Shar are doing some serious damage at a midnight sample sale when they find themselves arguing over a pair of shoes—with fatal consequences. The girls are suddenly at the mercy of Hades—god of the underworld—who forces the teens to become Sirens, luring to the Underworld any individual whose unholy contract is up.

Animal Migrations

Titles in Series: Bat Migration, Bird Migration, Deer and Antelope Migration, Fish Migration, Insect Migration, Reptile Migration, Whale Migration, Wolf Migration

Cutting-Edge Technology

Titles in Series: All About 3D Printing, All About Apps, All About Coding, All About Drones, All About Online Gaming, All About Robots, All About Smart Technology, All About Social Networking

Spreading Kindness

Titles in Series: Being Kind at Home, Being Kind at School, Being Kind During a Pandemic, Being Kind Online, Being Kind to Friends, Encouraging Others, Helping at Mealtime, Helping with Chores, Understanding Differences, Volunteering
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