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Everything You Want

With high school mercifully drawing to a close, Emma's only question is, "What next? And can it please be completely unlike what happened before?" Then one lucky little lotto ticket seems to give the answer—there are suddenly fifty million reasons for Emma to be happy. So what’s the problem?

Let’s Fly

Titles in Series: Drones, Fighter Jets, Flying Cars, Helicopters, Passenger Planes, Rockets

Life Cycles

Titles in Series: Life Cycle of a Butterfly, Life Cycle of a Chicken, Life Cycle of a Frog, Life Cycle of a Pea Plant, Life Cycle of a Pine Tree, Life Cycle of a Rabbit, Life Cycle of a Salmon, Life Cycle of a Turtle

Postwar America

Titles in Series: The Civil Rights Movement, The Cold War, The Korean War, New Frontier and Great Society, The Postwar Boom, The Vietnam War, Watergate, The Women's Rights Movement


Titles in Series: Carbohydrates, Fats, Minerals, Proteins, Vitamins, Water

Last Kiss

It’s a collision of classes when Billy O’Reilly, a farm boy, strikes up a secret relationship with Lisa Wells. When Lisa is found murdered, Billy becomes a prime suspect. He launches an investigation to clear his name and find out what really happened to the girl he loved.

I Am America Set 3

Titles in this series: Stranger on the Home Front, When the Earth Dragon Trembled

Bestest. Ramadan. Ever.

I vow that this will be my first successful fast for Ramadan. My family does this every year, even though I’ve been to a mosque exactly twice. My oppressive parents also forbid dating, even though Peter might be my soul mate. How can I get him to notice me? Will I ever feel like a typical American girl?

The Long-Lost Secret Diary of the World’s Worst Astronaut

Meet Ellie—an enthusiastic, bumbling teenager who is fascinated with Mars. When a misunderstanding lands her in the astronaut training program for the first human mission to Mars, Ellie is determined to prove her worth.

The Long-Lost Secret Diary of the World’s Worst Tomb Hunter

Meet Ahmed—a boy living near the Valley of the Kings in Egypt in 1922. When he gets the chance to photograph a dig for archaeologist Howard Carter, he’s eager to contribute and impatient to uncover a secret tomb.
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